Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Not convinced that you need a new nature?

For those of us who aren’t convinced that we need the Nature-changer to transform us…from John’s first sign in Chapter 2 to the second sign in Chapter 4 we are told a lot about the fallen nature of sinful men and women. Specifically, we are taught six things about human nature: we are selfish, untrustworthy, unsaved, condemned, unfulfilled, and yet we still have a hunger for spiritual things. These truths are to drive home the need we all have for Jesus, the Nature Changer! These truths are wrapped in interesting narratives that Jesus has with many different types of people.

1. We're extremely selfish. Because of our fallen nature, when left to ourselves, we tend to corrupt even the holy things of God and use them for our own selfish benefit. (For example, the money changers and the priests.) 2:13-22

2. We are untrustworthy. The fickleness of human nature causes even those who appear to be committed to be seen as untrustworthy in the all-seeing eyes of God. (The people in Jerusalem who witnessed Jesus miraculous, healing ministry.) 2:23-25 NLT. 23 Because of the miraculous signs Jesus did in Jerusalem at the Passover celebration, many began to trust in him. 24 But Jesus didn’t trust them, because he knew human nature. 25 No one needed to tell him what mankind is really like.

3. We are all unsaved. We are all, regardless of how religious we are, in need of salvation. (No greater example can be given than that of Nicodemus the Pharisee, the Teacher of Israel.) 3:1-21

4. We stand already condemned. Since the Light has come into our world, to not believe in the Light is to stand condemned in our embraced darkness. The Light did not come to condemn, but rather, to save us. And yet, since He has come, we must choose to come to Him, or to remain in our own self-condemning darkness. (Those who rejected, and still reject Christ.) 3:22-36

5. We are unfulfilled. The Samaritan woman was blindly looking for fulfillment in the wrong places, going from relationship to relationship. (A woman of five husbands and counting!) 4:1-18

6. Yet, we are hungry for spiritual things. When the lost Samaritan woman becomes aware she’s in the presence of a prophet, instead of running away, she brings to the surface questions about spiritual things, revealing a deep hunger for God and truth. (The Samaritan woman and the Samaritans.) 4:19-42

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